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Hier erfährst du, warum zur Hölle Erbsenprotein in unsere Produkte kommt, wie wir daraus leckere Milch- und Joghurtalternativen machen und was das mit Gesundheit zu tun hat. Außerdem bekommst du Ernährungstipps, mit denen dein Alltag gesünder wird und Updates aus Forschung und Produktentwicklung. Wir dachten, das könnte dich interessieren.

Sorry Hafer…

Sorry Hafer…

Warum Erbse statt Hafer schmeckt Seit Mitte Februar sind wir mit einer neuen Kampagne in 15 deutschen Großstädten zu sehen. Unsere Botschaft: „Erbse statt Hafer. Schmeckt.“ Damit wollen wir Mlc...

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vly x Hello Inside: Das Blutzucker-Experiment

vly x Hello Inside: The Blood Sugar Experiment

We dared the experiment and measured our blood sugar with Hello Inside for two weeks. Here we show you what got our blood sugar soaring, which food hacks helped flatten the blood sugar curve and wh...

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So beeinflusst der Blutzucker deine Gesundheit

How does blood sugar affect your health?

What do midday slumps, food cravings and exhaustion have in common? All have something to do with blood sugar. Here you can find out exactly what blood sugar is, what effects it has on your body a...

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Vitamin D: Warum ist es so wichtig?

Vitamin D: Why is it so important?

When winter is coming to an end and the sun breaks through the gray cloud cover, you can feel it directly: The sun has healing powers . This has even been scientifically proven, because vitamin D,...

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Mikronährstoffe: Alles, was du wissen musst

Micronutrients: everything you need to know

Vitamins and minerals have something in common: the body needs them to function properly. The problem: although they are so important, many foods lack them. Here we explain why micronutrients are...

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Warum es gesünder ist, klein anzufangen

Why it's healthier to start small

MEET TONI The old year has only just come to an end when the new year is already shooting around the corner and, like every year, has something with it: new resolutions. One bigger than the othe...

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Production: How we milk our peas

Today we take you with us - wherever peas are used as milk and yoghurt alternatives. From the field where the peas grow to the dairy where milk and yoghurt (alternatives) flow. Make yourself comfo...

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4 Gründe, warum Erbsenprotein gut für deine Gesundheit ist:

4 reasons why pea protein is good for your health:

We know what you're probably thinking right now: pea protein? In the name of all oat and almond drinks, what does the pea want here? To take away one of your fears: Only the extracted protein f...

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Fermentation: Die Kraft der Verwandlung

Fermentation: The power of transformation

We want to learn more about the power of fermentation and speak to the two people at vly who know it best: the microbiologist and the food technologist who developed our fermented yoghurt alternat...

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Werde Tester:in

Become a tester

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Wer steht hinter vly?

Who's behind vly?

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Unser Antrag wurde angenommen: neue Forschungsgelder für Joghurt & Quark

Our application has been accepted: new research funds for Yogurt & Quark

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5 Tipps für einen bewussten Start in den Tag

5 tips for a conscious start in the day

Do you start your day on autopilot or consciously? We collected some tips on how you can bring more mindfulness into your morning and throughout your day.

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6 Tipps für eine gesunde Ernährung

6 tips for a healthy diet

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Deine Einkaufsliste für eine pflanzliche Ernährung

Your grocery list for a plant-based diet

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Wie entsteht Schaum in deinem Lieblingsdrink?

How is the foam in your favorite drink created?

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Darum verwenden wir Rapsöl

That's why we use canola oil

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Wie wichtig ist Schlaf? - Das Interview mit Chris Surel

How important is sleep? - The interview with Chris Surel

We spoke to Performance Recovery & Sleep Coach Chris Surel and asked him to clarify why sleep is important and how we can optimize it.

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