Why it's healthier to start small
The old year has only just come to an end when the new year is already shooting around the corner and, like every year, has something with it: new resolutions. One bigger than the other: get up earlier, eat more balanced and move more. Do you know that? Then you feel like Toni.
Toni's "perfect" morning routine stands for all the good intentions that sometimes overwhelm us. The 7-day juice cleanse, the daily hour of meditation or the new contract in the gym. Choose your fighter! In the end, resolutions rarely came to stay.
For the new year we asked ourselves how we can turn resolutions into habits. Healthy habits that are part of our everyday life. And we've decided it's better to start small. Less is more.
It's the little things that make the big difference. Quite simply because we find it easier to integrate them into our everyday lives. On the other hand, unrealistic goals and the desire to do everything perfectly are real motivation killers.
Let's celebrate the small steps towards a healthier life together. For example, starting the day with a healthy breakfast. Maybe even with our milk and yoghurt alternatives, which are packed with great nutritional value and great taste. So the day can start healthy. It's a start – with vly.