Hier erfährst du, warum zur Hölle Erbsenprotein in unsere Produkte kommt, wie wir daraus leckere Milch- und Joghurtalternativen machen und was das mit Gesundheit zu tun hat. Außerdem bekommst du Ernährungstipps, mit denen dein Alltag gesünder wird und Updates aus Forschung und Produktentwicklung. Wir dachten, das könnte dich interessieren.

Micronutrients: everything you need to know
Vitamins and minerals have something in common: the body needs them to function properly. The problem: although they are so important, many foods lack them. Here we explain why micronutrients are...
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Production: How we milk our peas
Today we take you with us - wherever peas are used as milk and yoghurt alternatives. From the field where the peas grow to the dairy where milk and yoghurt (alternatives) flow. Make yourself comfo...
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4 reasons why pea protein is good for your health:
We know what you're probably thinking right now: pea protein? In the name of all oat and almond drinks, what does the pea want here? To take away one of your fears: Only the extracted protein f...
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