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Article: Become a tester

Werde Tester:in

Become a tester

Product development never stops. Our research development team is constantly working on improvements to current as well as new products. With the goal of creating products we all love. That is exactly why we need your feedback!

How does it work?

1.  You sign up here and become part of our tester community.
2. You will receive an email whenever we have new prototypes and we choose based on the first-come, first-serve principle to whom we can send the prototypes.
3. We will send you the prototypes.
4. You will savor and fill out a short questionnaire
 (~3 minutes).
5. We incorporate the feedback & will let you know when we launch a new version

All this is completely free of charge and we also send one sample pack per month to all tester.

Be part of it & support the development of plant-based innovations

We are excited to hear what you think about the prototypes and look forward for your support. Thank you & enjoy your tastings.

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